Dewsbury paramedics suspended for making inappropriate sexual comments

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Two paramedics based at Dewsbury ambulance station have been suspended for making inappropriate sexual comments about other members of staff.

Richard Senior mentioned setting up a ‘foursome’ with a colleague and her ex-partner on numerous occasions and made comments about the number of women he had ‘had’ in front of patients.

He also displayed a photograph depicting a sex act on his personal home phone screen, which could be viewed by colleagues and patients.

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Mr Senior and his colleague Andrew Rowley both worked for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS).

The disciplinary committee of healthcare regulator the Health and Care Professions Council has suspended them both for a year.

Mr Rowley, who has now quit his job as a paramedic, was accused of making a host of rude and distasteful comments and gestures towards colleagues.

He continued to deny most of the accusations.

Mr Senior was also found to have not driven to 999 calls fast enough and refused to use the blue lights and sirens in line with YAS policy.

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The panel said Mr Senior’s conduct was a “serious departure from the standards expected of a Paramedic”.

A spokeswoman for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust said: “The trust carried out a thorough internal investigation into the allegations made against Andrew Rowley and Richard Senior when they were based at Dewsbury ambulance station.

“Their conduct was found to have fallen below the standards of professionalism expected of an employee of the trust. Both employees were found to have breached the trust’s code of conduct and appropriate disciplinary action was taken in June 2013, including immediate referral to the Health and Care Professions Council.”