Police remove cordons after incidents in Dewsbury town centre

Police at Daisy Hill.Police at Daisy Hill.
Police at Daisy Hill.
Police cordons have been removed after two incidents in the town centre.

Officers had blocked off School Street in the early hours of this morning (Thursday) after they received a report of an incident which is currently being investigated.

While there, members of the public alerted them to a trail of blood on the pavement on Daisy Hill. Officers also cordoned of a path to the side of the Lifeline centre.

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A police spokesman said the two incidents were not linked and they are not treating the blood incident as suspicious.

Marcus Griffiths lives in a flat in Wellington Street. He said: “At about 8pm I leaned out of my window just to see what was going on.

“There was a man with blood coming out of his arm. He was in his mid-thirties with a woman. He went down on his knees for a second then carried on walking down to the bus station.”

Kirklees Council were due to clean the pavement this afternoon.