Taylor to lead Yorkshire Women in county clash

Women's RL coach Craig TaylorWomen's RL coach Craig Taylor
Women's RL coach Craig Taylor
Craig Taylor has been appointed Yorkshire Women’s coach to lead the White Rose in a County of Origin clash against Lancashire next month.

Taylor has been coaching in the women and girls game for four years with Batley Bulldogs Girls.

His girls team has been RFL League Champions for the last two seasons and have recently returned from an Australia Tour, where Craig had the opportunity to work closely with female development officers in the Australian game.

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Last week Taylor scooped Man of The Year at the Her RL and Press Association awards for his outstanding commitment to the ladies game.

Only registered players, born in their respective counties playing in the WRLA Winter League 2015/16, can make themselves available for their county, with trials due to be held in December.

The County of Origin clash is due to take place as part of a double header before the BARLA Yorkshire Cup final on January 31.

WRLA chairman Steve Manning said: “Clubs are aware of the procedure for nominating players to each county.

“Any players that have been involved and played for England over the last 12 months will not be eligible to be put forward for the counties.”

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